at Old town @ bangsar |
at SSF w the flowers! |
with Aim! xoxo |
with Mamat Senior! xoxo
had a short quickie trip to KL
to collect my berkats and also get
some deco for my room n of course makan! :)
yummy food for the soul hahahaa....
kakak got back on thurs n friday off
we went to kl w first coach! reached around
noon and went st8 to old town! yeay
next went to hotel n rest then off to pavillion!
met abg haze and went to williams.. super huge portion
of food from a stall beside the road which serves
international cuisine! we were really amazed!
sat morning..it was semua house n SSF!
then lunch @ tony romas and met Aim for dinner! :)
@ alif tom yam...yummm foood and desserts @
papa rich... too baddd its super2 fast trip..
need to go there again soon! :)